Advancing Postpartum Systems of Care Initiative

pregnancy picture

Pregnancy-related deaths in the U.S. have risen 140% over the last three decades and cardiovascular disease is the leading cause1. Heart disease during pregnancy leaves women with a higher lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease after delivery and leads to an increased risk for their children. More specifically, high blood pressure during pregnancy, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes are associated with significantly greater risks of later heart disease and death from cardiovascular disease2. Despite existing medical guidance on pregnancy and cardiovascular health, current trends in health outcomes suggest a significant opportunity for an improved system of care, particularly in the postpartum period. 

The American Heart Association (AHA) launched a comprehensive initiative, Advancing Maternal Health Through Quality Improvement and Professional Education Initiative, in July 2022 with funding support from Merck for Mothers, Merck’s global maternal health effort to help create a world where no woman has to die while giving birth. 

Initiative objectives include:

  • Improve postpartum systems of care related to cardiovascular health
  • Expand professional education and training opportunities
  • Uncover barriers and models for guideline-based postpartum care implementation
  • Narrow silos in postpartum care and strengthen community-clinical linkages
  • Disseminate recommendations to improve postpartum systems of care

Supporting Guidelines and AHA Statements



[1] Lewey J, et al. Opportunities in the Postpartum Period to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk After Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2024;149:e330–e346.

[2] Vaidya, D., Gonzalez, J. M., Anderson, C. A., Judd, S. E., Rexrode, K. M., Hlatky, M. A., Gunderson, E. P., & Stuart, J. J. (2021, March 29). Six Pregnancy Complications are Among Red Flags for Heart Disease Later in Life. American Heart Association.


Postpartum Recommendations

Nine thought-leaders with experience in maternal health, postpartum health and/or women’s health and cardiovascular disease were identified to draft recommendations for a postpartum system of care. These writing group members represented and/or care for populations at disproportionate risk of postpartum maternal morbidity or mortality.
sonogram picture of healthy baby

Supported by Merck for Mothers, Merck’s global maternal health effort to help create a world where no woman has to die while giving birth. 
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